It is not the responsibility of the language to force good looking code, but the language should make good looking code possible.
seven Types of Tropical Diseases and How to Prevent them

Tropical diseases are infectious diseases that occur in many tropical regions, including Indonesia. What are the types of tropical diseases? Let's follow the discussion in the following article. Tropical diseases can be caused by various types of infections, ranging from viral, bacterial, fun...

Getting to know Niacin or Vitamin B3 which plays an Important role for the body

All types of vitamins play a crucial role for the body's performance. One of them, namely vitamin B3. This vitamin is also called niacin, which you might often find in cereal products. Recognize the importance of niacin for the body. Niacin aka vitamin B3, what is the importance for the body?...

Face Look Swollen After Waking Up? Overcome with 4 Ways In

Swollen face when you wake up is a very common thing. The most frequent cause of this is the consumption of foods high in salt or alcohol the night before. However, swollen faces can also be caused by head position during sleep, hormonal changes, stress, dehydration, and allergies. Face Look ...

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